20 Person Deluxe Office Emergency Survival Kit
Product Description
For the larger Office or Workplace
Deluxe Office and Workplace Emergency Supplies. Designed for 1-20 people. Bucket storage containers can be used as emergency toilets.
Contains: FOOD-WATER-LIGHTING-FIRST AID-SPACE BLANKETS-TOOLS -SAFETY SUPPLIES and more. Food and water certified 5 year shelf life
Kit Includes: 1—5 pack of Candles 10—Latex Gloves (pair) 2—Toilet Chemicals 1—15” Pry Bar 2—D’ Cell Flashlight 4—Code Red Batteries 1—300’ Caution Tape 20—Dust Masks 2—Port-a-Potties 1—Emergency Tote Case 20—2400 Cal Food Ration 20—25 oz. Water Packs 20—Solar Blankets 1—8X10 Tarp 2—Work Gloves (pair) 50—Germicidal Tablets 12—Toilet Liners 20—Wet Naps 50—Waterproof Matches 1—AM/FM Solar Radio 6—12 Hour Light Sticks 1—123 Piece First Aid Kit