First  Responder First-Aid Trauma kit

First Responder First-Aid Trauma kit

Item# fatk9

Product Description

The First Responder First Aid -Trauma Kit is an excellent First Aid Response Kit Ready when you need it.

Kit Includes: 4-Instant Ice Packs 1-3” ACE Bandage 1-Bandage Scissors 1-Eye Wash 2-1”x10 yards Tape 5-Bloodstoppers 1-CPR Mouthpiece 1-Solar Blanket 1-Triangle Bandage 2-Water Gels 24-Sanidex 5-Eye Pads 12-4”x4” Gauze Pads 2-Safety Vests 1-“D” Flashlight w/Batteries 24-Antiseptic Wipes 100-1”x3” Bandages 100-Non-Aspirin 100-Butterfly Bandages 1-Burn Free Dressing 12-2”x6” Gauze Bandages 1-300’ Roll ‘Caution’ Tape 1-Hydrogen Peroxide 1-Sterile Pouch Water 5-5”x9” Combine Dressing Bandages 1-15 piece Blood borne Pathogen Kit

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